


The Trick Is Keep Breathing


順順走, 慢慢來, 自得其樂, 不留痕跡



Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries, and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.
--- French philosopher Blaise Pascal

it’s not nice to piss you off. and i know. but i was poking and sort of prodding, and kinda hoping, and always watching, for a reaction.
--- The Indie Queens are Waiting

Baby don't you know that it is understood, if you take away the sunshine, you also take away the starlight.
--- Architecture in Helsinki



Life is a Maze, Love is a Riddle.




And I want to be like lovers in an old romantic song, where the music fades away before the love it can go wrong.
--- jill barber

Young Galaxy, We have everything

Fance - Full Speed Ahead

The Book of Joe


新力大砍PS3製造成本35% 明年可望降價

中央商情網╱中央商情網 2008-12-30 08:00 調整字級:
(中央社台北2008年12月30日電)根據彭博報導,新力(Sony JP-6758)大砍電玩遊戲主機PS3製造成本35%,以期重振遊戲部門獲利,同時也為明年降價鋪路。

美國市場研究機構iSuppli Corp.今天發佈聲明指出,新款PS3的製造成本已由690.23美元降至448.73美元。iSuppli指出,新款PS3的零件減少30%。

iSuppli分析師Andrew Rassweiler指出,受惠成本直落,新力遊戲事業接近損益兩平。新力PS3每台零售價399美元。為了力拚任天堂Wii與微軟Xbox 360遊戲機,全球次大消費電子製造商新力亟欲降價促銷。

Wedbush Morgan Securities駐洛杉磯分析師Michael Pachter指出,新力若能壓低成本,將有助降價,但可能要到明年4月才可能降價,PS3必需降價100美元,才能力抗對手凌厲攻勢,PS3的製造成本還無法容許降價100美元。


根據市場研究機構NPD Group Inc.指出,PS3 11月在美銷量較上年同月衰退19%,任天堂Wii則增長逾倍,微軟Xbox 360銷量增加8.6%。

任天堂Wii定價249美元,微軟Xbox 360定價則為199美元。


降息救金融 零利率成陷阱

【聯合報╱林建甫】 2008.12.26 09:48 am



降息 如各國救命丹


零利率 難刺激投資




貨幣政策 量化寬鬆



【2008/12/26 聯合報】



馬多夫這個名字,一般人或許沒有機會聽說,但在華爾街,或是佛羅里達的鄉村俱樂部裡,這個名字卻是響噹噹,相當受到上流社會的敬重。 說敬重,是因為馬多夫雖然不至於高不可攀,但他卻擅長營造神秘感,一種只有圈內人才有資格買他的基金的氣氛,也因此,投資人從來都不太清楚,到底他的投資組合是什麼,更別說是外界或監管機關了。 這位闖蕩華爾街半世紀的金融老手,到底是從一開始就刻意詐騙,還是投資失利,挖東牆捕西牆,最後紙包不住火,演變成可能是史上最大宗的金融詐騙案,美國調查局和證管單位,現在都傾巢而出,針對本案和類似的金融犯罪,展開徹查。

播報稿: 出庭結束,馬多夫一現身,所有媒體就像老虎見到了肥羊,一擁而上,馬路到大門口,短短幾公尺,寸步難行,曾經風光的華爾街大老,穿著刻意低調,所到之處卻像是過街老鼠。 伯納德馬多夫,70歲,紐約人,猶太裔,前納斯達克證交所董事會主席,現任馬多夫投資證券公司總裁,和無數慈善、非營利、教育機構的金主兼掛名董事,馬多夫在華爾街出道很早,1960年,年紀輕輕22歲,他就創辦了自己的證券公司,根據他自己的說法,創辦資金5000美元,是他暑假當救生員、打零工的收入。 過去近50年,馬多夫從仲介商發跡,跨足投資銀行、投資顧問,成為華爾街知名券商之一,他積極推動證券交易電子化,以加快撮合速度和交易數量,從中賺取更多手續費,1971年,採用自動報價的那斯達克股市成立時,馬多夫就是幕後重要推手,而他也順勢入主了當時的那斯達克董事會。 檔案影片中,馬多夫對著聽眾侃侃而談,金融法規滴水不漏,想要犯規偷跑幾乎是不可能,對照他現在自首犯下的驚人詐騙案,聽來格外的諷刺,到底馬多夫是用什麼手法,讓投資人甘願雙手奉上億萬家財,多年下來毫不起疑?知情人士說,他靠的是一種不招搖、「非請勿入」的VIP專屬姿態。 曼哈頓社交圈,和有錢人渡假的佛羅里達鄉村俱樂部,是馬多夫犯案第一現場,他的基金不對外公開,只透過熟人介紹,馬多夫本人點頭,才能夠加入申購,由於客戶不多,毋須向主管單位註冊,操作又極度不透明,整個交易透露著「不可說、不可說」的氣氛,弔詭的是,正是這種神祕感,吸引一個接一個,企業老闆、富豪名流,盲目上鉤。 按照馬多夫提供的資料,他的基金12年來,只有5個月呈負數,其餘都只漲不跌,2008年11月,全球股市崩盤,無一倖免,馬多夫的對帳單上,卻仍然寫著5.6%淨值成長,反常的績效,逐漸令人起疑,如今不可說的投資秘技,揭穿了只是不可告人的高明騙術,馬多夫面對可能的20年刑期,和5000萬美元罰款,但不少投資人失去的,卻是一輩子的積蓄和家產。










The high cost of playing Warcraft

By Cristina Jimenez
Technology reporter

A record has been set for the sale of virtual items in an online game as a World of Warcraft account is believed to have changed hands for almost £5,000 (7,000 euros).
The deal was done in early September and for their money the new owner got a level 70 night elf rogue called Zeuzo.

The price was so high because Zeuzo possessed magical items, including the twin Warglaives of Azzinoth, owned by only a handful of Warcraft's nine million active players.

The powerful items were gained by the character's original owner completing some of the most challenging parts of the game.

Cash call

World of Warcraft is an online fantasy world in which players create characters and take them adventuring. The characters gain experience and become more powerful by doing all sorts of quests (kill this, find that, deliver this).

At the higher levels many players band together to go on raids to kill the most powerful enemies and get the best loot.

Zeuzo's creator, who took the rogue from level zero to high level hero, was contacted for the BBC by other players but he would not confirm or deny reports of the sale.

The Method guild of which Zeuzo was a member also declined to comment on the the sale.

However, the BBC does have independent confirmation that the account was sold for a figure of about 7,000 euros.

Some Warcraft players who know Zeuzo's creator did speak out.

On condition of anonymity one said: "The trade was simple. It was a case of the buyer finding out that Zeuzo was currently the best geared rogue in game."

"Zeuzo received a whisper from a person who said that wanted to buy his account and convinced him by offering more and more money each time for it."
He said Method was disappointed to lose such a good character, but at the same time, understood the final decision.

Oliver Koppany, a fellow player chosen by Zeuzo as a "spokesperson" added: "He had been undergoing financial hardship and that was the only reason why he sold the account."

The new owner moved the valuable rogue to another server and re-named it Shaks.

High risk

Bill Vaughan, editor of IncGame's World of Warcraft website, said many people bought accounts to get over the grind of taking a character to the highest levels of the game.

"It generally takes an average person anything up to 600 game play hours to reach the current highest level," said Ms Vaughan.

Account selling is a growing phenomenon and the average price currently hovers around the £200 mark.

"The problem is," said Ms Vaughan, "you have no idea how to play the character properly."

"Within a short space of time, you would be subject to the embarrassment of other players noticing your lack of skills, and it would be very apparent that you had either bought your account, or had paid to have your character levelled," she said.

But, said Ms Vaughan, worse than other players noticing someone has bought their account is catching the attention of Warcraft creator Blizzard. Selling accounts and in-game items is against the terms and conditions people sign up to when they start playing.

Blizzard has banned up to 100,000 accounts in a month for illegal gold trading or cheating in the game. In a statement the company said it took the action: "to promote a fun and fair environment for all our players."

"Blizzard has an interest in enforcing its rules, but it has to spend substantial amounts of money to do so," said Greg Lastowka, a law professor from Rutgers University who specialises in intellectual property and technology regulation.
"Account sales can sometimes be hard to detect, depending on the technology that a game company uses to gather information about users," he added.

In this case Blizzard caught on quick. It banned the account about five days after it was sold.

Big business

While account selling is controversial among Warcraft players, for some it has become a business prospect.

"Account selling is a ludicrous business indeed. I have friends who make good money without moving one finger," the BBC was told by one player. "You can earn 200 euros without doing absolutely anything."

He said many buy a new account for 12 euros, then pay a gold farmer to power-level the character in 20 days and then when it had reached level 70 sell it back for 400 euros.

Dee Patel, an ex-Warcraft player and a game industry professional, admitted having sold his account for £650 on eBay.

"I could have been offered a lot more for my account but I was just wanting to stop playing and wanted to get rid of it," he said.

Last January, eBay banned on-line games account selling on its website. But thousands of other sites offer similar auction services.

Globally the business is huge. Edward Castronova, an academic studying the economics of online gaming at the University of Indiana, estimates that the real money trade - people paying real cash for virtual items - is worth around $300-$400m.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/09/24 07:58:06 GMT


Banana republic

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For other uses, see Banana republic (disambiguation).
Banana Republic is a pejorative term for a small country that is politically unstable, dependent on limited agriculture (e.g. bananas), and ruled by a small, self-elected, wealthy, and corrupt clique.[1] It is most commonly used for countries in Central America such as El Salvador, Belize, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala.

In some cases, these nations have kept the government structures that were modeled after the colonial Spanish ruling clique, with a small, largely leisure class on the top,and a large, poorly educated and poorly paid working class of peons, though it might have the (fake) trappings of modernity (such as styling itself a republic with a president etc.)

Frequently the subject of mockery and humour, and usually presided over by a dictatorial military junta that exaggerates its own power and importance—"the epaulettes of a banana republic generalissimo" are proverbially of considerable size, usually portrayed in satire with a pair of mops—a banana republic also typically has large wealth inequities, poor infrastructure, poor schools, a "backward" economy, low capital spending, a reliance on foreign capital and money printing, budget deficits, and a weakening currency. Banana republics are typically also highly prone to revolutions and coups.


In 2008, with the minority government threatened to be toppled by the opposition, whose goal was to form a new coalition government without an intermediary election, Fen Thompson, director of the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Ottawa's Carleton University remarked that the crisis would turn the nation into a "banana republic with snowflakes."




How did Thai protesters manage it?

By Jonathan Head
BBC News, Bangkok

Claiming victory, the yellow-clad hordes from the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) rolled up their mats and sleeping bags.

They queued for souvenir autographed scarves - yellow of course - from the leaders who had taken them into this astonishing act of insurrection, and boarded buses and pick-up trucks for the ride home.

An army of cleaners, technicians and security personnel moved in behind them to get Bangkok's $4bn (£2.7bn) state-of-the-art airport back into operation.

Within a few days the mass sit-in will just be a surreal memory.

But the questions their actions have raised about the state of Thailand will continue long after the last plastic hand-clapper is picked up and disposed of.

How could a country as advanced and as dependent on exports and tourism as Thailand allow such a vital transport hub to be stormed by a mob that never numbered more than a few thousand?

What is the PAD, and what gives the movement the confidence to commit its dramatic acts of economic sabotage without fearing any legal sanction?

Weak police

The airport sit-in shows the PAD's skill at pulling off bold and unexpected stunts.

When the first PAD convoys approached the airport last Tuesday, they said they were only going to protest against then-Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, who was due to arrive back from the Apec summit in Peru.

The government had a strategy of avoiding confrontation - it did not want a repeat of the disastrous events in October, when several PAD supporters were seriously injured in clashes with the police.

The police were under orders not to use force and retreated.

No-one thought the PAD would try to take over one of the world's biggest and busiest airport terminals.

In fact, PAD organisers told the BBC they had carefully planned the seizure of the airport weeks before.

The weakness of Thailand's police is also important.

They have proved no match for this determined and organised movement. They are poorly trained in riot control, and lack the status of the army.

When it became clear that the PAD was set on taking over the airport, the local governor asked the army for assistance. None came.

As throughout this year, the army's refusal to help contain the PAD has left the government with no means of resisting this insurgency.

The police are up against an organisation of considerable logistical strength.

It is a remarkably well-trained and well-funded movement.

Logistical efficiency

One of the many retired generals supporting its occupation at the airport observed that it should be seen as a military, not a civilian organisation.

Behind the "aunties with clappers" and well-groomed young women clutching lap-dogs that are the public face of the movement are squads of hoodlums, armed with batons, metal spikes and hand-guns who man the barricades and hunt down intruders.

One morning I followed them as they dragged an alleged government spy off to an undisclosed location, kicking and punching him.

I was unable to find out his fate. Some of these thugs are members of private armies run by retired generals.

The PAD's logistical efficiency is impressive.

Within hours of occupying the airport it had ample supplies of food, water, blankets and medicines for the thousands of supporters who joined the sit-in.

The food never ran out. You could get your mobile phone charged, or have a massage. PAD cleaners were brought in to keep the floors and toilets in order. The duty-free and check-in areas were sealed off and vigilantly protected by PAD guards.

The PAD's propaganda arm is equally impressive.

It runs its own television station, ASTV, which is widely broadcast and pours vitriol on the government.

Everywhere the movement goes it takes mobile stages, on the back of trucks, which blare out speeches and music from dawn until the small hours of the following morning.

The message is simple: Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is evil, stole the people's money and will destroy the country. The poor rural people who voted for his party were all bribed, and unable to think for themselves.

Some of those taking part in the airport occupation had been listening to these firebrand speeches for months, without a break.

They all passionately believed their actions were worth the cost to the country, to see Thailand's politics cleaned up.

The question of who is behind the PAD is a subject of intense speculation in Thailand.

I met a lot of ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs at the airport who were helping keep the PAD supplied.

But much bigger Thai businesses are widely believed to be financing the movement, including at least two national banks.

Royal support?

Thaksin Shinawatra made a lot of powerful enemies while he was in office with his aggressive efforts to re-shape the country.

These are now using the PAD militants to get back at his party.

There are also plenty of former military commanders offering their help to the PAD - people like General Pathompong Kesornsuk, who has openly urged the army to launch a coup against the government.

One of the top PAD leaders is Chamlong Srimuang, a former general with close ties to Gen Prem Tinsulanonda, the king's most senior advisor.

Then there is the most sensitive question of all - the royal connection.

The PAD has justified its actions as being in defence of the monarchy, and the king's portrait has been displayed prominently during all its protests.

Senior figures close to the palace have openly supported the movement.

When the queen offered to preside over the funeral last month of a PAD protestor killed during clashes with the police, it appeared to be a tacit blessing for the movement.

Some in the government even believe the revered king may be backing the movement, although at the age of almost 81 this seems unlikely.

Hard evidence is difficult to come by. But people's actions in Thailand are now being driven as much by what they believe as what they know to be true.

The government and its rural followers believe there is a palace-army-elite conspiracy to rob them of their electoral mandate.

The PAD and its middle-class followers believe the pro-Thaksin camp intends to turn Thailand into a republic, and overthrow the existing social order.

With so much believed to be at stake, compromise between the two sides is almost impossible.