


The Trick Is Keep Breathing


順順走, 慢慢來, 自得其樂, 不留痕跡



Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries, and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.
--- French philosopher Blaise Pascal

it’s not nice to piss you off. and i know. but i was poking and sort of prodding, and kinda hoping, and always watching, for a reaction.
--- The Indie Queens are Waiting

Baby don't you know that it is understood, if you take away the sunshine, you also take away the starlight.
--- Architecture in Helsinki



Life is a Maze, Love is a Riddle.




And I want to be like lovers in an old romantic song, where the music fades away before the love it can go wrong.
--- jill barber

Young Galaxy, We have everything

Fance - Full Speed Ahead

The Book of Joe


Hallmark holiday

Hallmark holiday
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"Hallmark holiday" is a disparaging term, used predominantly in the United States, to describe a holiday that is perceived to exist primarily for commercial purposes, rather than to commemorate a traditionally significant religious or secular event. The name comes from Hallmark Cards, a privately owned American company based in Kansas City, Missouri, that benefits from such manufactured events through sales of greeting cards and other items. The company itself denies having any role in the creation of the holidays that bear this moniker.[1] Holidays that have been referred to as "Hallmark Holidays" include Valentine's Day, Mother's Day[2] and Fathers' Day[3]. As opposed to those holidays that are celebrated despite their "Hallmark" qualities, even more "manufactured" Hallmark holidays include Grandparents' Day, Sweetest Day, and Administrative Professionals' Day (formerly Secretary's Day). These are frequently ignored by a sizable percentage of the public.

Another connotation of the term "Hallmark Holiday" is that of an idealized, perfect celebration with loving friends and family.

Related to "Hallmark Holiday" is the pop-culture term "Hallmark Moment." It can suggest either a serendipitous event or encounter, or a sappy emotional appeal, especially manipulation of emotion for financial gain.[4]


士林夜市吳家辣豆乾 入口香、咬噴汁













‧霍華.蘇伯 2009/04/27

本書作者霍華‧蘇伯(Howard Suber)是公認大師中的大師,在UCLA教電影超過四十年,教過的學生遍布整個電影產業,也讓他獲得 Temecula Film and Music Festival 終生成就獎、UCLA傑出教學獎等殊榮。除了教學,蘇伯同時也是無數作品背後的重要推手。













《非洲皇后》(The African Queen)
《彗星美人》(All About Eve)
《美國風情畫》(American Graffiti)
《安妮霍爾》(Annie Hall)
《公寓春光》(The Apartment)
《現代啟示錄》(Apocalypse Now)
《黃金時代》(The Best Years of Our Lives)
《我倆沒有明天》(Bonnie and Clyde)
《桂河大橋》(The Bridge on the River Kwai)
《虎豹小霸王》(Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)
《大國民》(Citizen Kane)
《越戰獵鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)
《奇愛博士》(Dr.Strangelove Or:How I Learnd to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)
《齊瓦哥醫生》(Doctor Zhivago)
《雙重保險》(Double Indemnity)
《E.T.外星人》(The Extra-Terrestrial)
《霹靂神探》(The French Connection)
《亂世忠魂》(From Here to Eternity)
《教父》(The Godfather)
《教父續集》(The Godfater:Part II)
《亂世佳人》(Gone with the Wind)
《畢業生》(The Graduate)
《怒火之花》(The Grapes of Wrath)
《日正當中》(High Noon)
《風雲人物》(It's a Wonderful Life)
《金剛》(King Kong)
《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》(Lawrence of Arabia)
《梟巢喋血戰》(The Maltese Falcon)
《戰略迷魂》(The Manchurian Candidate)
《午夜牛郎》(Midnight Cowboy)
《史密斯遊美京》(Mr.Smith Goes to Washington)
《叛艦喋血記》(Mutiny on the Bounty)
《北西北》(North by Northwest)
《岸上風雲》(On the Waterfront)
《飛越杜鵑窩》(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
《蠻牛》(Raging Bull)
《法櫃奇兵》(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
《養子不教誰之過》(Rebel Without a Cause)
《辛德勒的名單》(Schindler's List)
《搜索者》(The Searchers)
《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs)
《萬花嬉春》(Singin'in the Rain)
《白雪公主》(Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
《熱情如火》(Some Like It Hot)
《真善美》(The Sound of Music)
《星際大戰》(Star Wars)
《慾望街車》(A Streetcar Named Desire)
《日落大道》(Sunset Boulevard)
《計程車司機》(Taxi Driver)
《梅崗城故事》(To Kill me a Mockingbird)
《碧血金沙》(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre)
《2001:太空漫遊》(2001:A Space Odyssey)
《西城故事》(West Side Story)
《日落黃沙》(The Wild Bunch)
《綠野仙蹤》(The Wizard fo Oz)




GE新光碟 儲存容量多百倍

【聯合晚報╱國際新聞組/綜合報導】 2009.04.28 02:30 pm




【2009/04/28 聯合晚報】@

超級玩家 免費客服生力軍

【經濟日報╱編譯季晶晶/綜合外電】 2009.04.28 03:39 am








【2009/04/28 經濟日報】


Cloud Cuckoo Land

Cloud Cuckoo Land refers to an unrealistically idealistic state where everything is perfect. ("You're living in Cloud-cuckoo-land.") It hints that the person referred to is naïve, unaware of reality or deranged in holding such an optimistic belief. The reference is to the play, The Birds by the Athenian playwright Aristophanes, in which Pisthetairos (which can be translated to mean "Mr. Trusting") and Euelpides (which can be translated to mean "Mr. Hopeful") with the help of Tereus, tired of the Earth and Olympus, decide to erect a perfect city between the clouds, to be named Cloud-Cuckoo-Land (Νεφελοκοκκυγία -- Nephelokokkygia).

Why funny guys get the babes

* Story Highlights
* Study: Women rate funny guys as more intelligent and honest
* The research relates to model that women look for men who can give resources
* Humor is also an important part of friendships, author says
* Also at the conference: "Computer rage" is commonplace

By Elizabeth Landau

(CNN) -- Attention, single dudes: Women want you to make them laugh.

According to new research, women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. The research was presented this week at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England.

"Over the course of history, women actively look for signs that their man is intelligent, and I believe the ability to actively judge the situation and pull off a joke and make you laugh is an intelligent feat," said Kristofor McCarty, a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and author of the study, in an e-mail.

McCarty's study asked 45 heterosexual women aged 18 to 30 to rate various self-descriptions of men, some funnier than others.

He invented the fictional lives of 10 men and then created a funny and not-so-funny vignette from each of their perspectives. Then, participants read all 20 descriptions and rated them on qualities such as likeliness of friendship, likeliness of long-term relationship, honesty and intelligence.

One example the study designated as high-quality humor was this: "I was standing in a mental illness ward the other day when I heard a doctor speaking to a new nurse on the ward. He was really giving her a telling-off, and his parting words were, 'And remember, when it's busy, don't go around saying it's a madhouse,' " McCarty said.

By contrast, a statement low on amusement was, "I was out skiing last year when I ended up slipping all the way down the mountain."

To set a general standard of humor, McCarty did a preliminary study to test which jokes and humorous statements were the funniest on 35 females aged 18 to 30.

Women said the men with the funniest descriptions were significantly more likely to be candidates for long-term relationships, as well as friends. Participants also rated the more amusing men as more intelligent and honest.

Previous research in evolutionary psychology has indicated that for long-term mating, women value a man's likelihood of acquiring resources: for instance, someone likely to earn a good salary. That idea recalls the early days of humans, when women relied on men's resources during childbearing years.

The study, though small in sample size, also relates to this model. A more intelligent person is less likely to fall into traps, McCarty said, and may be more able to provide for a mate and children. Read more about the brain and human behavior

Given that laughing makes people feel better, it also makes sense evolutionarily that women would prefer men with a good sense of humor, especially to help with the hardships of taking care of children, said Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and author of the recent book "Why Him? Why Her? Finding Real Love by Understanding Your Personality Type."

"People who have a good sense of humor may be likely to lighten up very bad situations and therefore reduce the stress response and simply enable you to get over the hump in bad parts of the relationship," said Fisher, who was not involved with McCarty's study.

Humor also helps creativity, said Peter Derks, professor emeritus of psychology at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, who did not work on McCarty's study. The field of positive psychology -- which looks at well-being and happiness -- posits that humor leads to happiness and happiness leads to health, he said. This suggests that humor does have some survival value as well.

But humor is not used only in long-term sexual relationships, McCarty said. It plays an important role among friends and "also developed as a desired trait in friendship for social reasons," he said.

Do men also think funny women are more intelligent and honest? Time constraints prevented McCarty from exploring this question, but he said research suggests that men don't care much about women's sense of humor.

"A man wants a woman who laughs at his jokes and is not too bothered if his girl isn't funny at all," McCarty said.

On the other hand, Derks said, researchers have found that women who are good at being funny -- eliciting laughter -- are seen as positively as are funny men.

Here's another tidbit from the British conference: Research indicates that "computer rage" -- including shouting at your computer and hitting the keyboard and mouse -- has become a common expression of anger and stress relief.

John Charlton of the University of Bolton, who presented at the conference, said these expressions were mostly linked to unsatisfactory work progress and time pressures.