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原始網址: http://bighousegod.blogspot.com/2009/06/v.html |
The Trick Is Keep Breathing
順順走, 慢慢來, 自得其樂, 不留痕跡
Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries, and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.
--- French philosopher Blaise Pascal
it’s not nice to piss you off. and i know. but i was poking and sort of prodding, and kinda hoping, and always watching, for a reaction.
--- The Indie Queens are Waiting
Baby don't you know that it is understood, if you take away the sunshine, you also take away the starlight.
--- Architecture in Helsinki
Life is a Maze, Love is a Riddle.
And I want to be like lovers in an old romantic song, where the music fades away before the love it can go wrong.
--- jill barber
Young Galaxy, We have everything
Fance - Full Speed Ahead
The Book of Joe
"Art" or "Art Not" -- What's in a name
Found art derives its identity as art from the designation placed upon it by the artist. The context into which it is placed (e.g. a gallery or museum) is usually also a highly relevant factor. The idea of dignifying commonplace objects in this way was originally a shocking challenge to the accepted distinction between what was considered art as opposed to not art. Although it may now be accepted in the art world as a viable practice, it continues to arouse questioning, as with the Tate Gallery's Turner Prize exhibition of Tracey Emin's My Bed, which consisted literally of her unmade and dishevelled bed. In this sense the artist gives the audience time and a stage to contemplate an object. Appreciation of found art in this way can prompt philosophical reflection in the observer.
Found art, however, has to have the artist's input, at the very least an idea about it, i.e. the artist's designation of the object as art, which is nearly always reinforced with a title. There is mostly also some degree of modification of the object, although not to the extent that it cannot be recognised. The modification may lead to it being designated a "modified", "interpreted" or "adapted" found object.
------from Wikipedia
Sharp + Apple = AppleTV ?
iPad 3 To Get Thinner, Have Sharper Display
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BBC E-mail: Pakistani derision at 'obscene text' ban
should see it.
** Pakistani derision at 'obscene text' ban **
The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority sends mobile phone operators a list of hundreds of "obscene" words to be banned from text messages. Nosheen Abbas reports on the reaction.
< http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/world-asia-15793721 >
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好尷尬 普亭獲孔子和平獎
2011.11.18 03:03 am
【2011/11/18 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
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Benetton gets world leaders smooching in provocative ads
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The Big Bad Dumbing Effect of Internet as a Medium
Many optimists believe the new media world of the Internet and Facebook and Twitter puts more power in the hands of “the people.” I think instead we’ve sleep-walked into a nightmare world of mass attention-deficit disorder and easy distraction.
Nicholas Carr, in his 2010 book The Shallows, shows in alarming detail how the Web is rewiring our brains towards superficiality.
The information age? The democracy of media? In the age of the Internet, and “infinite media,” I see a world that is increasingly mean-spirited, anti-logical, and misinformed. (Or, to put it more bluntly: Mean, stupid and wrong).
And it’s left an open road for propagandists.
I got one of those mass circulated emails recently telling me how Lee Iacocca, the former Chrysler boss, had a “new book out” slamming Obama. It contained all sorts of brutal quotes.
The only problem? Iacocca’s book came out in 2007. His quotes were about President George W. Bush. Someone had simply doctored all the quotes and blasted out an email, that quickly went all round the Web.
For each recipient who caught the lie, a hundred won’t. Was it an amateur propagandist who sent out this email, or a professional? We’ll never know.
According to the U.S. Labor Department, there are now about 280,000 public relations managers and specialists in America. The number of reporters: Just 45,000: That’s six flacks per reporter. Good luck with that.
Excerpts from a MarketWatch article by Brett Arends
When they fight, they fight And when they come home at night they say, "i love you, baby."
And when they come home at night they say,
"i love you, baby."
Was it too much too soon,
Or too little too late?
He got the message she left on his car, in the rain.
And then the words they come to you,
driving away.
You just can't let it go.
And when they fight, they fight,
And when they come home at night they say,
"i love you, baby."
And when it all comes crashing down,
what can you do,
to find what you're looking for?
And then the words will come to you,
driving through the rain.
Lyrics of "When they fight, They fight", by Generationals
How to lose 2 billion dollars in one day?
在雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒閉剛滿三週年之際,又有一則金融業醜聞會讓投資人心寒,在九月十五日,瑞銀(UBS)公開對外承認,投資銀行部門某交易員私下進行的一樁未授權交易,可能會使瑞銀出現二十億美元的虧損,這個損失會讓該行第三季財報出現虧損的狀況。在消息傳出之後,瑞銀股價應聲下跌,一度跌到9.88瑞士法郎,跌幅高達9.6%,而瑞銀今年以來的股價累計跌幅已達百分之三十五。瑞銀在對外聲明中表示,銀行內客戶的帳戶未受到影響,但由於目前整件事仍處於調查的階段,所以對第三季業績的影響還不能夠確定。
一位交易員會造成高達二十億美元的損失,讓整個市場震驚不已。其實世上每家銀行都有授權體系,但管理上漏洞仍然難以避免,設定交易額度的限制很容易,但監控管理這些額度限制卻是另一回事。在 投資銀行交易系統當中,透過單邊概念的方式就可以使實際交易額度超過系統限額。假設系統限額是六百萬美元,交易員自己在做了五百萬美元的交易之後,理論上 還剩一百萬美元的額度,但若同時做一筆兩百萬美元的反向交易來對沖對沖的話,那麼實際淨額就增加到三百萬美元,這時交易員就“創造”了原本不應存在額度。對於交易員而言,更進一步方法是偽造反向交易,這樣在實際上,單邊交易的額度就可以無限擴大。
還有另一種情況則是有些系統設定上存在一些漏洞,因為從理論上來說,不同的產品有不同的對沖係數,交易員做反向交易時也應該是用同類產品,但當系統設定不 佳時,可能會認可非同類產品的反向交易,這也會使得交易員的單邊交易限額擴大,所以瑞銀交易員這單交易很可能是偷偷摸摸做的。所謂的未授權交易,很可能在 交易發生之後一段時間後都沒人發現,關鍵是要看公司的內控體系好不好,而這方面的措施,每個公司又不一樣,所以發生未授權交易的頻率也完全不同。一般來 說,這筆交易造成的虧損,員工是無法賠償的,公司只能先認列這筆虧損,然後再起訴這名交易員。不過,在未授權交易造成虧損的歷史上,與英國霸菱銀行(Baring Bank )相比,瑞銀還算是很幸運的。
西元1995年,由於交易員Nick Leeson私下進行的衍生性金融商品超額交易,搞得霸菱銀行倒閉。他從西元1994年的年底開始,在未經批准的情況下,偷偷進行套匯交易,並期望利用不 同地區,交易市場的差價來獲利。然而,日經225指數(NIKKEI 225 INDEX)的走向卻與其他的判斷相反,最後造成十四億美元的重大虧損,而當時整個霸菱銀行的資本和儲備金總共只有八點六億美元。
不過,雖然不至於會倒閉,但對於瑞銀來說,才隔兩年就再爆發醜聞,實在難讓投資者安心。西元2006年一月至西元2007年十二月之間,四名瑞銀員工在未 經授權的狀況下,私自動用超過三十九個客戶的帳戶,進行包括外匯、以及貴金屬交易在內的多項交易,每天至少來回操作五十次的未授權交易。在西元2009年 時,瑞銀因此被英國金融監理署重罰八百萬英鎊,創下英國金融史上第三高的罰款紀錄。
It may be as easy as this...
If XP won't start it may be due to a damaged boot sector or a missing or corrupt ntldr or ntdetect.com files.
To replace damaged ntldr and ntdetect.com you can copy fresh files from the XP CD using the COPY command. Boot with the XP CD and enter the Recovery Console (as above). At the Command Prompt type the following (where "X" is your CD-Rom drive letter) allowing the files to overwrite the old files
To repair a damaged Boot Sector at the command prompt type FIXBOOT and press Enter. Then answer "Y"
from http://www.webtree.ca/windowsxp/repair_xp.htm#How%20to%20Repair%20the%20Boot%20Sector:
Macy's Day Parade Explained
Rated +1
I think it's pretty obvious and (like most people here have already pointed out) the moral is that you can't buy happiness.
As far as a less generalized interpretation, here's my two cents: (and yes, it being Thanksgiving did make me think of this song)
Today's the Macy's Day Parade - obviously the biggest advertising scheme in history
The night of the living dead is on its way - Black Friday Sales start at midnight, turning most people into consumer zombies.
With a credit report for duty call - nameless, faceless credit cards. You're nothing but your credit limit.
It's a lifetime guarantee, Stuffed in a coffin "10% more free", Red light special at the mausoleum - People plan their funerals ahead of time and pay for them to ensure they get the best prices. It's a pathetic (not mention morbid as fuck) attempt at feeling like you have some control over everything in your life--even your own death and what happens after you're dead.
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed to you
What's the consolation prize?
Economy sized dreams of hope - I think this is pretty self explanatory. Consumer: Give me something that I need. Corporate America: Satisfaction's guaranteed! Consumer: What's the consolation prize? Corporate America: Dreams of all the shit you'll never have!
When I was a kid I thought
I wanted all the things that I haven't got
Oh, I learned the hardest way
Then I realized what it took
To tell the difference between
Thieves and crooks
a lesson learned to me and you
When he was a kid he probably thought he wanted to be a bad ass rock star, money, women, drugs, booze, houses, cars--the whole nine yards. But he had to acquire all of that garbage to realize that he didn't want any of it--none of it made him happy none of it made him anything. That's when he realized thieves may break into your house and still your shit, but a crook will cheat you into dreaming of a life that's supposed to be everything everyone wants and if you get it--you'll realize it only adds to the misery.
Give me something that I need
Satisfaction guaranteed
Because I'm thinking about
a brand new hope
The one I've never known
cause now I know
its all that I wanted
He's thinking about a brand new hope--and honestly, I assume this is where the song gets really personal. At this point in his life he had a 5 year old and a 2 year old and a wife. I'm pretty sure he probably figured out that they were way more important than anything he could ever buy. That's his reason for existing--and that's the only means that he's going to find anything slightly resembling true happiness. He's a husband and a father, he's responsible for a family which I'm guessing he probably didn't dream of as a kid.
I think the rest of the song is just reiteration of everything already stated. He's thinking about a brand knew road, one he's never know and where it goes because now he knows it's all that he wanted. He wanted (as hippyish as it sounds) to be loved for no more reason than he's him. He wanted acceptance. He wanted to belong somewhere and he has it. So, instead of being a consumer or a publicity whore, he's going to be a father and a husband. He's going to be the kind of man he would want his sons to grow up to be. He's going to take the high road, so to speak.
Well...that's my 75 cents. lol.
original post
When poor, we polarize.
The actual cut to the 2012 budget, the only budget over which this Congress has control, is $21 billion out of total expenditures of $3.7 trillion – a pittance.
Everything else can and will be changed by future Congresses.
What the deal does is - once again - kick tough choices down the road, this time to a congressional super-commission that will have to come up with a larger plan to reduce debt.
And it does nothing to spur growth, without which the debt will expand well above projections.
The manner in which the deal was produced added poison to an already toxic atmosphere in Washington, making compromise even more difficult.
Democrats now feel they need to mirror the Tea Party's tactics and are becoming unyielding on any cuts to entitlement programs like Medicare. Republicans, emboldened by the success of their bullying, have closed ranks more solidly around a no-tax agenda.
But the only solution to America's debt dilemma will need to involve both cuts to entitlement programs and higher tax revenues.
Congress is more polarized than ever before...and that polarization has resulted in paralysis. More than two years into the Obama Administration, hundreds of key positions in government remain vacant for lack of Senate confirmation. The Treasury Department had to handle the global financial crisis, recession, bank stress tests and automaker bailouts, as well as its usual duties, with about a dozen of its senior positions - almost its entire top management - vacant. Senate rules have been used, abused and twisted to allow constant delay and blockage.
The filibuster, historically employed about once a decade, is now a routine procedure that allows the minority to thwart the will of the majority. In 2009, Senate Republicans filibustered a stunning 80% of major legislation. Given how the chamber is composed - two Senators per state, no matter how thinly populated - people representing just 10% of the country can block all legislation.
This Op-Ed drew 318 responses from readers, America is looking a LOT like Taiwan now, politically.